Have you received any awards for your outstanding achievements? Putting them on your resume is a great way to stand out from other job applicants. Read on to learn how to list awards on a resume, and to view examples of awards on resumes.
You might be wondering which awards to put on a resume. Most awards worthy of inclusion will fall under one of three categories: company, industry, or academic awards.
List only significant awards on a resume. If you're not sure which awards are significant and which are not, recognition given based on predetermined metrics are usually best – for example, a valedictorian or top salesman award – whereas awards that are given in a spirit of fun or to help employees get to know each other (employee of the month on a company newsletter, or an academic senior superlative award) may be best left off your resume.
Awards listed on a resume should include the following information:
You may also include:
Wondering where to put awards on a resume? As previously mentioned, most awards you should consider including will be given at the company, industry, or academic level. These roughly correspond to the sections of your resume where you might include them:
Some examples of each type of award in context within a resume are below. The exact formatting used to convey the information above is flexible – choose a format that works within the chosen structure of the rest of your resume. (Note that fictional awards, companies, and universities are used in these examples).
Joseph Adams University, Boston MA
Master of Science in Chemistry (2014)
• Won the 2014 Winston & Samuelson Graduate Award for research in environmental chemistry.
A national award is given once annually to graduate work showing exceptional promise in the field of chemistry.
Alston Brook Footwear | Memphis, TN
Sales Manager (2012-2017)
• Regional Salesperson of the Year 2015.
Awarded to the top-performing company salesperson at the regional level.
Mechanical Engineering
• Awarded 2013, Gregory Clark Medal, by the National Fellowship of Mechanical Engineers in recognition of pioneering contributions to the field of power steering.
Awards and honors in journalism:
- 2004 E.M. Thompson Prize Winner
- 2010 E.M. Thompson Prize Winner
- 2013 Marisol Jennings Medal Winner
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